Sunday, January 22, 2012

Please help me identify a strange song from my childhood...?

When I was a little girl, my grandma would sing me this song. I have asked her about it recently, but she has lost a good deal of memory and is unable to remember it at all. It is a mish-mash of strange syllables and random words. I'm sure I've got some of the words wrong. I have tried to spell them phonetically:

kee mokai moni ro ar

mee hee

mee hye

mee hum drum periwinkle

tit tat pitty pat

blue eyed puddy cat

sing a song kitty

catch a kye mee o

Does this look familiar to anyone?

Please help me identify a strange song from my childhood...?
Here are the lyrics to Kemo Kimo from Randolph:

Way down yonder on Beaver Creek,

Sing song kitty cain't you kimeo,

Darkies grow to be ten feet,

Sing song kitty cain't you kimeo.

Kemo kimo dee ro art,

Me-he me-hi me hum drum penny winkle,

Tit, tat, pitty pat, blue-eyed pussy cat,

Sing song kitty cain't you kimeo.

They go to bed but it ain't no use,

Sing song kitty cain't you kimeo,

Feet stick out for the chickens to roost,

Sing song kitty cain't you kimeo.

Our dog went out to get a bone.

Sing song kitty cain't you kimeo,

He looked at me and I run home,

Sing song kitty cain't you kimeo.

Our cow won't give milk in summer,

Sing song kitty cain't you kimeo,

So we have to take it from her,

Sing song kitty cain't you kimeo.

There are a lot of different versions here:

This song is actually kind of racist in some versions though...

Like in this version:

hope you find what you're looking for!
Reply:Aunty monika!!!!!!!

go in2 music shop n ask them for piano books..

n look in a book the back ground is blue and theres a man in a bowler hat.... aunty monika is in it.....

its annoyin me now!!!!!!!!
Reply:Probably a song she made up. hey, Maybe you could name it and sing it to your (future) kids.

Local Dentist

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