Monday, January 9, 2012

Can you identify a snail?

I found these on a trip to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. A man at the shore said they are periwinkles but I looked up periwinkles online and found several kinds and this looks different to me.


Can you identify a snail?
You are right. They are not periwinkles. These are Atlantic oyster drills, scientific name Urosalpinx cinerea. They are members of a completely different family than periwinkles. These are a real problem for oyster fishermen. As their name implies, they feed on oysters, especially young ones, by drilling a hole through the oyster shell and eating as much as they can reach. They don't eat much of the oyster but it is enough to kill the oyster.
Reply:yes infact you can but you cant adopt one becuase its

wild get the jocke.
Reply:The word snail is loosely applied to most members of the molluscan class Gastropoda that have coiled shells

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